“Two Have Gone ‘The Way Of All The Earth.’”

Jarrod M. Jacobs


Two servants of God whom I have known for many years left this earth recently. One served God primarily in her community, while the other served God locally, nationally, and worldwide. These people did what they could in the areas where they lived (Mk. 14:8-9), and both had an impact on me and many others.


Elnora Embry (1933-2024)

            I met sister Elnora while holding gospel meetings with the Caneyville (KY) church of Christ. I got to know her better when I began “full-time” work there in 2012. I learned she became a Christian in the late 1990s and had been widowed since 1999. She was a kind woman to me, had keen “business sense,” and could be very serious when the occasion called for it. She also enjoyed a good joke, loved to have fun, and made fun of herself. She was among the many “mothers in Israel” who gained my respect and love through the years. She was good to talk to, and I will surely miss our conversations. Though she had worked in many places in Kentucky, she was of a humble attitude and quiet demeanor. She did not brag about what she had done. Primarily, she wanted to listen to the Bible and ask questions. She once told me that since she had not become a Christian until late in life, she had much to study and learn in order to “catch up” with others! Her Bible was open daily, and she wanted to learn as much as possible in preparation for eternity. I can remember her asking me from time to time if I thought she would be in Heaven. She was concerned about her soul’s condition because of all the years she spent away from the Lord. We would then have a talk about God’s love (Rom. 5:8) and grace (Titus 2:11-12), and how He is the author of eternal salvation to those who obey Him (Heb. 5:8-9) regardless of the date when we obeyed (Matt. 20:1-16). I am so thankful in her last days, she no longer talked like this but said she was ready to die! What a good example and kind lady God blessed me (and my family) to know.

            Though she had no children, the other statements found in Proverbs 31 fit her character well. She was loved by a multitude of Christians, by her many nieces and nephews (she was the youngest of 10!), and most notably, by the Savior of the world (Rom. 8:35-39; Eph. 3:17-19, 5:2)!

            The world will little note nor long remember this dear sister (even the newspaper carrying her obituary was not delivered until after she was buried). Still, her words of wisdom, infectious laugh, advice, godly example, etc., will ring in my ears for as long as God allows me to walk this earth.


Larry Hafley (1943-2024)

            I met brother Hafley in the early 90s when I took it upon myself to search for his phone number (Before the internet! Was that possible?). After some sleuthing, I found it and timidly called the number, asking for “Brother Hafley” and, with his strong, clear voice, said, “This is Larry Hafley.” From that time until now, he has been a friend of mine, as well as his good wife and sons. I have had the pleasure of hearing him preach the truth time and again (II Tim. 4:2). He was a man whose mind was constantly focused on God’s word. As the “blessed man” (Ps. 1), he meditated on God’s word “day and night.” As time passed, I found him to be a good person to talk to and pose questions. He never looked down on me in my youth (I Tim. 4:12) but treated me respectfully and answered my questions even though I knew he had already answered those questions for himself years earlier.

            He gave me great advice in many areas, from sermons to advice in preparation for the debates I have done, etc.. Still, the advice I remember most is when he reminded me of the most important thing: to make sure and raise your family in the Lord (Eph. 6:4; Prov. 22:6). Larry had two boys like me and (along with his precious wife) had raised them to love the Lord and obey Him (Eph. 6:4; Titus 2:3-5). They are Christians and faithful to God to this day! Larry was always good to ask me about my boys and wife every time we talked. He told me early on to covet my time with my children at home (and I did). He said, “As a preacher, you’ll be worried about the souls of those in the congregation and the community. You will also be called to hold meetings, and you will be concerned about the brethren and others in those places. Don’t be gone too much with your boys at home. Enjoy times with your children in the ball games and other things that interest them. Be there for them. Too many preachers had families but went out trying to save everyone else and lost their children to the world. If you go down that road, the souls you save will be like ashes in your mouth when you think of the ones closest to you that are lost.”

            Though Larry was 10 years younger than Elnora (almost to the day), and though they had never met, these two had much to teach me about being a Christian and life in general. I pray I will heed the instructions given. A few more of my lessons have been …

You’re Never Too Old To Become A Christian (Heb. 3:7-8).

            Our sister Elnora became a Christian in her 60s! In a time when most are looking to retire and “slow down,” she was born again (Jn. 3:5) and trying to learn more about the Lord (I Pet. 2:2). She grew closer to her God in her final years on earth. Such an example shows me how I ought to be as I get older (Titus 2:3a).

Boldness (Acts 13:46; I Thess. 2:2)

            Both of these precious ones taught me boldness. Our sister Elnora was bold enough to leave behind her old ways of sin and denominationalism to become a Christian (Mk. 16:16). This included standing opposed to her husband. Still, she did it (Matt. 10:36). Again, what a great example! When many get “old and set in their ways,” Elnora stepped up to follow the Lord regardless of what others might say about her.

            Brother Larry taught me boldness as well. Listening to him preach or reading his writings encouraged not only me but all who listened to be bold and to stand and declare God’s word regardless of the consequences (Prov. 28:1; II Cor. 7:4). He spoke in a language that was plain and easy to understand so that we knew what God expects from us (I Cor. 2:4-5). He was ready to defend the truth wherever the Lord allowed him to go.

Spend Time Daily In God’s Word (Eph. 3:4; Ps. 1:1-2).

            Those who knew brother Larry knew he was a “walking Bible.” His knowledge of God’s word was immense! This kind of example motivated me to learn more about God’s word as well. Our sister Elnora had a similar knowledge of God’s word as well. She had learned God’s word as a child, and these passages stayed with her. Of course, she spent time in God’s word daily as a Christian and she learned even more of God’s truth.

            The point is that this kind of knowledge was not “poured” into the brains of either one. This knowledge came from dedicating time to learning God’s word. This can be done by anyone who is motivated to know more about the Lord (II Tim. 2:15).

We All Need A Savior (Lk. 19:10).

            In saying the above about my dear friends, I do not wish to leave anyone with the impression that these people were sinless or did not have faults. Both had sins a-plenty (as we all do) some were public and some private. What made these two stand out was that they both trusted in the same Savior and obeyed His word to be saved (Heb. 5:8-9; Acts 22:16). The Lord readily forgave them when they sinned as Christians (Acts 8:20-22; I Jn. 1:9), and He is willing to do the same for me (I Jn. 2:1).

            We need a Savior, and these two dear Christians spoke of their Savior often. Are we willing to follow the Lord’s plan of salvation as they did (Jn. 8:32; Lk. 13:3, 5; Rom. 10:10; Acts 2:38)?

            I thank my God I knew sister Elnora and brother Larry. Their lives have ended here, but they are very much alive, awaiting the Judgment Day (Jas. 2:26; Matt. 22:32, 25:31-46). Their memories and examples will also live on in those who knew them (Rev. 14:13; Ps. 116:15).