So, You “Disagree?”

Robert Turner (Nov. 3, 1916 – May 28, 2007) 


For 30 years, I have preached and written my convictions regarding the Bible, the church, etc., and for 30 years, people have “disagreed.” Catholics, Mormons, Protestants, and occasionally my brethren “disagree.” That doesn’t bother me — much. At least not enough to cause me to squelch my honest convictions and “sell out” to majority opinions.

            Sometimes, one disagrees, and proceeds to teach me more perfectly the way of truth. I find I have been wrong. Now I dislike being wrong, but not as much as I dislike teaching error. Changing to truth is a pleasure, and I am grateful to my teacher.

            Thirty years of disagreement has taught me something else. Some people say they “disagree” when, in reality, they know so little about the subject they can’t explain their own position and know even less about mine. Perhaps they were born in the objective mood and kickative case, or more likely, I have pointed out the error of their ways, and they want to keep on going the way they are going, regardless of truth or consequences.

            Honest disagreement, based upon convictions established through careful study of God’s word, is honorable. I can respect such disagreement even when I am reasonably sure my opponent is in error. Two such persons can study together to profit— and will be anxious to do so.

            But there is no honor, and I have little respect for the person who seeks to discredit my work with prejudicial name-calling or the glib use of weight-swinging “I disagree.”

            You “disagree” with what? Is there a fallacy in my reasoning? Have I misused the Scriptures? Have I overlooked some Bible truth that would alter my conclusion? Give me a specific point of disagreement, and I will be happy to consider it.

            A fellow once wrote that all I had said was true (he flattered me), but he feared it would lead to error. Hm! Truth never leads to anything but truth. To fear the consequences of truth is cowardice of the first order, and our disagreement is with God. Let such a one rather fear Hell.

(The Gospel Guardian, 1965, Vol. 17, p. 205)