“Go To Nineveh” - 2/3/25
Nineveh was the capital of the Assyrian empire during the time of Jonah and stood as a prominent city until Babylon ruled the world. We read of Nineveh from Genesis 10 through the book of Nahum, who predicted its fall some 100 years after Jonah. Bible history tells us the people were idolatrous. The main god of the Ninevites was Nisroch (II Kings 19:37; Isa. 37:38), a god with a man’s body and an eagle’s head. Nahum 3:1 calls Nineveh a “bloody city … full of lies and robbery.”
The city itself was truly awe-inspiring. History tells us that Nineveh had walls 60 miles in circumference and 100 feet high! The walls were so thick that three horses and chariots could ride side-by-side on the wall. The walls had 1500 towers that stood 200 feet high and an inner wall that was some eight miles in circumference! Jonah 3:3 describes Nineveh as “an exceeding great city of three days’ journey.” This does not mean it took Jonah three days to walk there. The language implies that it took Jonah (or anyone) three days to walk across town! Jonah 3:4 explains this when it tells us Jonah entered the city “a day’s journey” in his preaching. In other words, he had preached and only made it one-third of the way across Nineveh, and things started to happen (Jonah 3:5-10)!
The walls, the reputation of the people, and the seemingly great wealth of Nineveh would no doubt intimidate most. Yet, God told Jonah to “go to Nineveh” (Jonah 1:2), and Jonah needed to go. Whatever feelings he might have about this place needed to be set aside. It was time to muster his courage and preach the truth.
The lesson I need to learn is that God expects His children to go and speak the truth to others (II Tim. 2:2). It is our responsibility to be ready at all times to “preach the word” (II Tim. 4:2). We might not go to some great city with impressive walls, riches, a reputation, etc. However, we are responsible for foregoing feelings of intimidation, opening our mouths, and speaking to our family members, neighbors, friends, coworkers, etc., about the Lord! As God told Ezekiel, let us not be afraid of people’s words or looks as we speak the truth of the gospel (Ezek. 2:6). Like Jonah, we have the truth (Jn. 17:17), and it needs to be told to a sin-sick world!
What will it take for God to convince you to go to “Nineveh”? In other words, what will it take for Christians to realize their work is to preach the gospel far and wide and spread the truth they know (Heb. 5:12-14)? Stop fighting God! Stop making excuses! Pray for opportunities to teach (II Thess. 3:1-2). Pray for open doors (Col. 4:3; Rev. 3:8), and then let us run through those doors and get as far as we can with the gospel!
– Jarrod M. Jacobs