“The Impact Of Truth”
Jarrod M. Jacobs
Those who knew my dad’s mother knew she was a detailed person and strict record-keeper, among other things. She kept records of the gas mileage on the car, oil changes, various purchases, you name it. She also took notes on every sermon she heard, and seems like she kept every Bible class paper she ever was given. (Do you know anyone like this in your family?)
I say this to introduce that I was going through some things recently and found an old Bible she had. As I opened the book, it was like an archaeological dig as I looked at the Bible papers and other items stored there. Among the papers were Bible class lessons that had been taught to her in 1959! Sixty-five years ago, Dwight Eisenhower was President, Alaska and Hawaii were admitted to the United States, NASA announced seven men who would become the first astronauts, and a young mother, with her husband and two little ones, received Bible class material through the year that covered the books of Nehemiah, Hebrews, and the life of Christ!
Since 1959, the children have become Christians, and two more generations have become Christians. Knowing what we know today, which of the facts from 1959 do you think would have the greatest impact on a young family, a nation, and the world?
Parents, never discount the impact being made on a family when you teach your children the truth at home and bring them to Bible study (Isa. 55:10-11). Never discount the good that comes because you attended Bible study and paid attention! The Bible’s contents are food for our souls (I Pet. 2:2; Heb. 5:12-14) and will nourish us in numerous ways.
Never discount the impact of the written word, either! Some do not hold the written word in high regard, but God did when He demanded men write down what He said! In like manner, I know the Bible teaching written in 1959 not only helped people 65 years ago, but it will be a help and encouragement to me and those I get to teach (I Tim. 4:16)! Parents, write God’s word down for your children. Leave it in areas where they will see it daily. Deuteronomy 6:9 is a good principle for us to apply in our lives (Rom. 15:4). How often do we hear people say, “I need to write that down so I will remember”? How about writing some Bible truths down so we remember those?
Of course, reading the written word and even writing things down does us no good until we apply what we have learned to ourselves (II Cor. 13:5; Jas. 2:17, 26). We need to take God’s word and use it daily (I Cor. 15:58). If we refuse to do this, then the word will not profit us at all.
Truth’s impact is lost on those who refuse to do what God has said to do. Truth’s greatest impact is seen in those who live what they have been taught (Phil. 4:9)! Such examples are then felt by your children and your children’s children (Matt. 5:16; Eph. 6:4; Titus 2:3-5).
What impact has the truth had on you and your family? The answer is evident when we look in the mirror and see what we are doing with the truth (Jas. 1:22-25). What impact will the truth have on your family in 65 years? It will have the same impact that it has today! Think about it!