“Where Is Jesus?”
Jarrod M. Jacobs
Do we remember the hype and excitement of December 25, 2023? Before Thanksgiving Day 2023, we saw numerous billboards, TV and radio ads, etc., which reminded us to remember the “reason for the season.” Yet, beginning December 26th and to this present time, it has been difficult for me to find any display reminding me of the One who seemed so important to folks for the majority of December. Where is Jesus?
It seems to me that if folks are excited about the event of the Christ-child’s birth, His life ought to produce that much if not more, excitement. Yet, this does not seem to be the case! Many are willing to look upon the “babe in the manger” as He coos and cries in the stable. Yet, the number of people interested in Him dwindles rapidly when we look for folks ready to follow the adult Jesus to the cross! Why is this? Where is Jesus?
Please understand I do not believe Jesus was born on December 25th. In addition to the fact that Biblical evidence suggests another time, I do not celebrate any day as “Jesus’ birthday,” for Jesus never told us to celebrate His birth. Some folks will reason, “Since we don’t know the exact day of His birth, December 25th is as good a day as any to remember His birth. It gets folks to think about Christ.” Such statements declare that folks either have not read the Bible or they do not care to listen to what Christ said. Christ and His apostles continually emphasized His death, burial, and resurrection, not His birth (Matt. 26:26-29; Jn. 18:37; Acts 2:42, 20:7; Rom. 6:3-6; I Cor. 15:1-4; etc.).
At the same time, I cannot help but note the inconsistency when the bulk of our population claims to love Jesus and wants to celebrate His birth, and yet after December 25th, these folks will return to the way they were acting before December 1st! Am I the only one who sees this hypocrisy? Where is Jesus?
I know Jesus could not have died on the cross had He not been born; yet when we listen to Jesus, He essentially tells Pilate, “I was born to die” (Jn. 18:37)! Therefore, let us follow Jesus, not to the manger, but to the cross (Matt. 10:38). Let us not follow the shepherds to the barn, but follow the “chief shepherd” (I Pet. 5:4) to Heaven (I Pet. 2:22; Heb. 6:20, 10:19-20; Acts 7:56). Let us not follow the wise men to the house (Matt. 2:12)! Let us be wise men and follow the Lord’s footsteps to Heaven as He teaches us how to be true disciples (I Pet. 2:21; Jn. 8:31-32; I Cor. 15:58; Col. 3:17; Heb. 6:19-20).
Friends, where is Jesus? Jesus is not to be found in the lives of the bulk of our population! We know this to be true based on our observations of man’s inhumanity to man. God does not want His creation to be cruel and hate each other (Jas. 3:9-20; I Jn. 4:20; Matt. 7:12, 22:39). How then can we treat one another the way we do? It is because the bulk of our population is satisfied with keeping Jesus “in the manger” instead of allowing the adult Jesus access into their hearts and lives (Rev. 3:20).
How do we allow Jesus access into our lives? Jesus told folks, “Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven” (Matt. 7:21). Therefore, it takes more than simply speaking a word or a prayer, and saying, “Jesus come into my heart” to be saved. It demands action! We must believe that He is the son of God (Jn. 8:24; Rom. 10:17), and we must obey what He says (Jn. 14:15; Rom. 10:16; Jas. 2:24, 26) by repenting of sin (Lk. 13:3,5; II Pet. 3:9), confessing Christ as the Son of God (Acts 8:37; Rom. 10:10), and being baptized for the remission of sin (Acts 2:38; Mk. 16:16)!
“Where is Jesus?” He is not in a manger or a stable, but is in Heaven, wanting mankind to hear, believe, and obey Him (Mk. 16:15-16; II Cor. 6:2; II Pet. 3:9)!