
Bible Examples of Humility

Ephesians 4:2

With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;” (ASV)

“Be completely humble and gentle…” (NIV)



  1. 1.   Jesus the Christ – Zech. 9:9
  2. 2.   Moses – Ex. Ch. 19-20
  3. 3.   Joseph – Gen. Ch. 30-50
  4. 4.   Paul – Acts Ch. 13-28
  5. 5.   King David – Ruth 4:17, 22; 1 Sam.  Ch. 16-23
  6. 6.   Ruth – Book; Mt. 1:5; Lk. 3:32
  7. 7.   King Hezekiah – 2 Kgs. Ch. 16-21
  8. 8.   Mary, mother of Christ – Lk. 2:1-7
  9. 9.   Daniel – Book
  10. 10. Job – Book
  11. 11. Epaphroditus – Phil. 2:23-30; 4:18
  12. 12. Jacob – Gen. Ch. 25-37; 42, 45-47
  13. 13. King Saul – 1 Sam. Ch. 9-11; 13-18
  14. 14. King Solomon – 1 Kgs. Ch. 1-12
  15. 15. John the Baptist – Matt. Ch. 3, 11, 14, 16-17
  16. 16. The Centurion – Matt. 8:1-13
  17. 17. The Syrophoenician Woman – Matt. 15:27; Mk. 7:24-37

 GLF , Wed. Nite Class, 2023


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